am I an elixir or a drink?
Imagine you as ALL…undefined, everything, nothing, space, presence… life force. An elixir of divine essence containing everything within. You are complete, whole, pure potential. Everything, everywhere.. all contained within the self, you.
You are silent, invisible, unseen and unrecognised.
A creator emerges from within you and states ‘You are so beautiful, let me define you in form so that you can be seen and appreciated’. The creator shapes and crafts a form believed to be a perfect expression for this divine essence. He gives her a name, Elixir, and declares his love for her and her expression through his creation.
He heads down the street to the bottle maker with his grand designs for his beautiful lover Elixir. He learns at the bottle maker that his design will have constraints. Constraints based on craftmanship, materials used, environmental factors, use case, purpose, appeal, experiences and conditions. The Creator comes to realise that the form is shaped and crafted not only by himself but also by everything outside itself in the world. He thinks it wont matter. And the Creator loves Elixir so much that he is determined to have her beauty beheld by all. He is nothing if not devoted in his love for her expression. So devoted he believes his creation to hold Elixir will go beyond Elixir herself. He loses himself in the glory of his own creation and in his need for her to be seen to exist.
The creator receives the bottles from the manufacturer, with Elixir inside. Its true, the form isnt quite the same as his designs. He decides he needs an ad campaign to assist with the appreciation of her in her new form. He hires an ad campaign manager called Mr Mind. Mr Mind promises the Creator that he will write a beautiful story to convince the world of Elixirs value. Mr Mind writes a script based on his perception of Elixir and she becomes a character in his story. Mr Mind doesnt see Elixir through the same eyes as The Creator though. He sees her through the outcomes he wants to obtain from her. He sees her through his own prejudices and experiences. He convinces and beguiles the creator into believing he is the only way for the vision to reach completion. The only way Elixir can receive her validation and appreciation from the world. He convinces the Creator that Elixir needs a story with a character. One that will lure people to her. A way for others to relate. His perception isnt truth though and the Creators creation has been lost in the created.
Mr Mind takes control and plays his story ad about Elixir on repeat 20 to 100 times a day on the television screen of the world. He plasters stickers of tits and ass all over her…cause lord knows someone will surely want her now. Elixir now becomes a beguiling vessel wrapped in a seductive illusion with the intention to obtain. There is no truth of Elixir left in the product, the persona or the form. There is created limitation of her true essence. There is story fabricating a false persona of her. She is imprisoned in the lie of the person who is a single facet of her multi faceted pure potential.
And still she is silent and invisible, unseen and unrecognised.
So it is with the self. The self exists regardless of being seen or recognised. The self does not need a creator or the created. The self is ALL which existence is contained within.