will the real self please stand up?

Imagine being a gem, living complete and whole as a mineral in the ground formed under pressure. You have no self concern because there is no you. You exist as a creation in form. That is all. Existing, being.

One day a person finds you and you are born into the world of man. Suddenly you are told you are not enough unless you are shaped into a current perception of acceptable form. You are given a name..Diamond. This name comes with preexisting perceptions and definitions. You are faceted and remodelled into something socially acceptable that fits the definition of your ‘purpose’. You are given value based on how well you meet the definition of others and your value is now decided by someone other than you. You are told what your value is by those outside of you in relation to what they can get from you.

Then you are told you are not enough to even be a faceted diamond. Now you need a use, defined by those outside of you. You now need to be implanted into a set shape and used for purposes defined by others to have worth. You have to be shaped and implanted into further forms that please others otherwise what is the worth of you. You become a people pleasing diamond who thinks it needs worth and value from outside of its self to be worthy of existence.

You have lost your original self complete and whole. You now think you need to be shaped and changed to make up for your ‘inadequacies’ you were told you have. You think you need the world outside you to validate your existence otherwise you are worthless and nothing.

You didnt need worth and value when you were a gem in the ground. You were already living and being. You didnt need a name. You didnt need defining. You didnt need an identity called Diamond. You were already living and being, complete and whole.

So it is with the self.

You do not need the created person for the self to exist and be.


am I an elixir or a drink?