Return of the Star King. A Light creation story.

There once was a young King who thought he was The King of Darkness.

Because he lived in darkness, he was unable to see the truth in others and also unable to recognise the truth in himself.

This meant he was unable to trust anyone or anything because he couldnt see or feel. Therefore he could not give or receive. And felt nothing.

One day he was looking at the darkness and he suddenly saw a flickering star emerge, birthing before his very eyes.

A light, tiny flickering. Rainbow rays of light reaching out to him. The King felt a strange memory of this light, a feeling to trust and reach out towards it.

He reached his hand out and caught it in his hand. Receiving and accepting it. His very own Rainbow Star.

That is how special you are.

Through all the darkness the King would focus on the light of the Rainbow Star. The more he looked at the Rainbow Star the more he recognised the beautiful feeling in his heart when he focused on the light. Beautiful rainbow light sparkling and dancing through the darkness and the self.

The light shone brighter the more he focused on it. One day instead of looking at Rainbow Star in his hand, he was also able to feel Rainbow Star in his heart. Gentleness, expansion, receiving , love.

As the light grew, it emerged through the Kings eyes and the darkness became illuminated. This allowed the Star King to see with clarity and truth. The King was then able to use his discernment throughout his land and within the self.

He was able to discern the difference between light and dark, conflict and peace, hate and love. Once the Star King could see and feel he was able to recognise the ALL within and around him.

The King was then able to protect himself from deceipt as ALL was seen and felt in the Rainbow Light of Truth. The light through his eyes and the trust in his heart.

Some truths were horrifying betrayals with pain and suffering.

Some truths were surprising delights with wonder and joy.

But from that day forward, the King had the right to make an informed choice and the right to choose what he would like to receive.


am I an elixir or a drink?