

My personal experience early in this lifetime was one of poverty, neglect, abuse and violence.

This resulted in a range of conditions including poverty consciousness, worthlessness, debilitating mental health, isolation, social anxiety, victim mentality, shame, extreme self hate and self destruction.

My conditioning kept me trapped in a perception of limitation and suffering. My mind was miserable, abusive and cruel. It controlled my life, my experience and my perceived reality. I hated life and I hated my self.

I lived a tortured existence fluctuating through bouts of depression, self destruction and self hate whilst trying to hold a life together. I spent years looking at my problems hoping to fix myself only to find that the problems never ended and all I was doing was being more absorbed into my conditioned self perception.

I needed LIBERATION from my limited life experience.

I needed RELEASE from suffering.

I needed to SAVE my SELF from my minds self perception !!!

I committed to self transformation within and set out exploring concepts of SELF, CONSCIOUSNESS and AWAKENING.

I studied the teachings of Eckart Tolle initially and later as my consciousness evolved, Sri Nisagadatta Maharaj. I took them, studied them, explored them and applied my understandings of these teachings to my SELF and my EXPERIENCE.

This is what I found.

YOU are not the individual persona-self you have been led to believe you are.

You are a LIMITLESS vast expansive BEING of ETERNAL LIGHT and BLISS WITHIN. You are a permanent state of COMPLETION and WHOLENESS and ONENESS WITH ALL.

True self…ALL.

With this true self recognition came changes.

I found a new base point of true self within anchored securely in permanence, completeness, oneness and peace. I continually bought my self back to this point if I strayed back into limited personal identification and witnessed beneficial changes in my behaviour, my personality, my relationships, my life and most importantly my sense of self and wellbeing. All the while dissolving my suffering conditioned self with ease by understanding true self.

This is the truth I wish to share with you.